Beauty in Photography.

Throughout the text Robert Adams speaks of Mu-Chi’s renowned ink drawing, The Six Persimmons. It was completed within seconds but has been created with thought. Suggesting beauty is seen in the production of work, not the time it has taken to produce.

Ink Drawing by Mu-Chi
Ink Drawing by Mu-Chi

I agree with how work can be beautiful however long it’s taken, because I see beauty by the dedication and the thought process used. The way an individual has composed a shot, or how an artist has used devotion towards the making, shows love and attention, which creates a beautiful piece of work.

Finally, Beauty is used to describe the aesthetics of work. Adams often referred it as a synonym and out-dated, because it’s regularly used within the creative roles. I agree with beauty being one of many words describing the aesthetic appearance. However, I do find that when using the word beauty/beautiful, while describing a photograph, it doesn’t describe the detail and techniques used, only to describe the way it looks in simplified terms.